Snow and Luminaries

Snow and Luminaries

Luminaries look beautiful when blanketed by snow.  And it's not a common vision because not many luminaries can handle adverse weather.  The exception is FLIC luminaries, and they thrive in all kinds of weather; snow, ice, rain... truly built for all the challenges posed by mother nature. 

I am located in Wichita, Kansas.  Snow is becoming less frequent over the last decades, but this past fall, we were hit with a sudden (and welcome) heavy 8" snow!  I had not yet put up all my Christmas luminaries, but had a dozen setup right after Halloween to replace my spooky Halloween luminaries. 

Naturally, I took the opportunity to capture the moment, and since this year I am using our new white flame bulbs, it was important for me to capture the moment with video. 

What a sight!  What a beautiful sight!  My snow and luminaries made magic before my eyes!  Since we started offering flame bulbs over the last month, we have been experiencing many magical moments.  Our luminaries are no longer "frozen" in a static world;  they have animated the landscape with dancing light!  They are far more than flickering lights... each bulb has 39 LEDs inside that choreograph their sequence into "fire dance."  The vision is mesmerizing, and to see many dancing bulbs together creates enchantment.

The crisp, lovely white color of these bulbs mix with snow and enhance the coolness of winter and give a pristine appearance.  A very clean look!

Inspection each luminaria to experience the magic!

Posted on 12/06/2023 by FLIC Luminaries News 0 7650

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