Breast Cancer Remembrance Luminaria

Breast Cancer Remembrance Luminaria

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among women in the US and the first leading cause of cancer death among women globally.  In the US, 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.

There is action we can take to help defeat this deadly disease.  One very helpful move is to support the breast cancer organizations which are dedicated to many areas where help is needed.  These groups make a difference... a huge positive impact on research to improve treatments, support for cancer patients and their families, and help with educating the public to get annual mammograms and other tests.  This is the help needed to win the battle, and we are moving in a positive direction because of the proactive actions of these groups.

If you've lost someone to breast cancer, or know someone who continues to courageously battle this disease, or if you just want to show your support to help, please consider purchasing our Remembrance Candle.

Our Remembrance Luminary is a soft light memorial for those wanting to keep warm memories.  It is also a light of hope, for those praying for help.  The soothing light brings calmness and helps with healing. It is also a breast cancer awareness light... helping spread awareness that breast cancer is something we all need to take seriously and get involved with to help save lives.

Select the breast cancer organization you would like to help and $10 of your purchase price will be donated to them.

Also, you have an option to personalize your luminary with a name.

Visit our ordering page to place your order, and thank you for your support!  Your support makes a difference!

Posted on 07/16/2021 by FLIC Luminaries News, Fundraising Luminaries Stories 0 12287

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