December Wedding in Kansas

December Wedding in Kansas

I was planning a December wedding in Kansas. It could be snowing, raining, freezing drizzle, or even a tornado! My daughter wanted me to make paper luminaries but I knew I couldn't take the chance of going through all the trouble of making velum luminaries then have the weather destroy them in a few minutes to a few hours. I found FLIC Luminaries online and I am happy with the results at the end of our wedding event! The pictures are absolutely beautiful! We even added out door wedding sparklers with the luminaries and the pictures are gorgeous!

I look forward to using the weather proof luminaries in the future for many events.

Thank you FLIC Luminaries!

Kerry Bardroff

(the kind people at Rita Clark Photography were generous enough to let us use their image for this page and we are indebted to their kindness. If you are in need of professional photographic services in the Kansas City area, please give them a shout!)

The above image on this page is copyright protected by Rita Clark Photography

Posted on 01/10/2015 Wedding Luminaries Stories 1 11137

1 Comment

  • Kerry Bardroff

    Kerry Bardroff 01/10/2015

    My daughter's beautiful wedding! Thank you Flic Luminaries and Rita Clark Photography!

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