Desert Botanical Garden

Las Noches de las Luminarias

Since 1978, Desert Botanical Garden has been lighting its desert trails with thousands of luminary lanterns throughout the holiday season.  The beautiful decorative lights help enhance the spirit of this enchanting world.  Visitors have many possibilities of enjoyment on their visit.  Tour the pathways and experience the natural desert plant life. Fine dining is available at Gertrude's, their onsite restaurant, or keep it simple at the Patio Cafe. Live performances offer entertainment, from handbell ensembles to an assortment of music groups and storytelling.  The magic is here, and there is no other place in the world that offers this experience.

Anytime you are in the Phoenix area, make sure to visit this magical place.

FLIC luminaries is honored to supply luminaries for this outstanding organization.

Please visit their website and experience a taste of their annual event, and also all the programs they offer throughout the year.

Posted on 12/31/2014 FLIC Luminaries News, Christmas Luminaries Stories 0 12545

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