FLIC Sells Factor Flawed Luminarias

FLIC Sells Factor Flawed Luminarias

November 30th, 2019 - With a desire to stay tuned into environmental issues, FLIC Luminaries is now offering factory reject luminaries for sale to the public. 

FLIC President/Managing Director David Bayouth comments, "We are attempting to 'not kill two birds with one stone' by offering our factory reject luminaries for sale instead of regrinding them for recycle.  This new approach will keep us from putting additional energy into regrinding and repurposing while offering consumers a less-expensive alternative to illuminate their worlds."

FLIC sets the highest standards in the luminary industry in the area of environmental conservation.

Key "green policies" held by FLIC include:

1. We focus on luminary durability to keep them out of landfills. 10-year luminary warranty.

2. We use of 100% recyclable polymers in luminary products.

3. We promote sale of energy efficient LED bulbs over traditional incandescent bulbs and as LED bulbs become more affordable we will shift to 100% LED.

4. Our luminaries are manufactured in Kansas and require less of a carbon footprint in comparison to all other luminaries shipping an extra step from China.

5. There is no harmful waste created during the manufacturing of our luminaries.  Paper luminaries create a substantial amount of chemical waste during their production, including binder adhesives, acids, amines, solvents, surfactants, chelating agents, biocides, caustic soda and inks, and bleaches.

6. We offer factory rejects for sale to limit production waste, save recycling/repurposing energy costs.

Visit our Factory Flawed Luminaries page by clicking here.

Posted on 11/30/2019 by FLIC Luminaries News 0 9609

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